The new wireless router is configured the same way as your old
router was? As in, the same network configuration and I'm assuming the
server you have Apache running on has a static ip in the same network?

Not much that has to change - port forward to your server running

What are you getting when trying to access the site?
Connection timed out, just doesn't connect at all? 

On 07/24/2013 05:02
PM, James Coyle wrote: 

> I installed a new wireless router last night
from Comcast. Previously I had been using an Apple Airport Extreme as a
router along with a regular cable modem. I have duplicated the IP scheme
on this new router and have opened up the appropriate port so that
Apache can serve up my web site, but so far I have had no luck in
getting the pages to display. 
> As I said, I've confirmed that the
correct port for my web hop via DYNDns is open (port 8102) and it is
mapped to my internal IP address. I have not changed my Apache config
file or anything else. 
> The only thing I can think of here is that
Apache is confused by the change in hardware since both the Airport
Extreme and the new Comcast wireless router are/were using the same
10.0.0.x range of addresses. 
> My old Airport is now in bridge mode
and is not acting as a router. 
> I am reluctant to call Comcast,
first of all because they are Comcast, and secondly because they are now
pushing a higher level of paid support that I'm not interested in. I'd
appreciate any help anyone could provide. Thanks.


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