Do you have a virtual host configured for the site SSL/443? 

07/26/2013 05:15 AM, Yuvapriya s wrote: 

> Hi 
> We had done split
deployment of apache and tomcat and we are trying to configure ssl on
> Modified the httpd_ssl.conf file and uncommented the lines to
include and the conf file in httpd.conf and restarted
> Now we are getting below errors while loading the url 
https:/BOE/CMC - HTTP 403 Forbidden Error
> https:/BOE/BI - HTTP 404 Not
> Where as using http works fine for the same url....
When checked on the logs, found the below error messages.
> [client ::1]
Directory index forbidden by Options directive: G:/Program Files
(x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/BOE/CMC/
> [client
::1] File does not exist: G:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software
> Could you please help on what
needs to be done to resolve the same?
> Thanks


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