
I migrated my Apache 2.2 to 2.4. It is working as a reverse proxy. Now I have 
the following issue:

For the listener on Port 80 I set a request header ClientProtocol=http.
For the listener on Port 443 I set it to https.

So my application on the backend knows for example that for a login it has to 
redirect to https. So it sends a 302 with Location: 
But on the client side, it is a redirect to http://www.server.com/login. That 
results in a loop.

I sniffered between client and RP and backend, the Apache 2.4 modifies the 
Location to http.

Is this a bug?

Best Regards,

Festo AG & Co. KG
Sven Womann
Abteilung IM-WMS
Inf. Mgmt. Web and Security
Plieninger Stra?e 50
73760 Ostfildern-Scharnhausen
Telefon +49(711)347-2898
Telefax +49(711)34754-2898

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