Hello Leo:

     Below is what I have.  I used htdigest to create a file name
"somefile" and I specified the realm name realm.  Note, I'm using a RHEL
clone from Amazon named "Amazon Linux AMI release 2013.03".  Note, this
work in version Apache 2.2 but not in 2.4.6 for some reason.  Thanks for
your help.

Authtype Digest
AuthName "realm"
AuthDigestAlgorithm MD5
AuthDigestDomain /
AuthDigestProvider file
AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/vhosts/secfiles
Require valid-user

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Leo Donahue - RDSA IT <
leodona...@mail.maricopa.gov> wrote:

>  >From: Ezra Taylor [mailto:ezra.tay...@gmail.com <ezra.tay...@gmail.com>]
> >Subject: [users@httpd] AuthType Digest or AuthType Basic not workin in
> Apache 2.4.6
> >
> >I've been banging on this issues for a couple of days now.  I have all
> modules installed and can't get AuthType Basic or AuthType Digest to work.
> For Digest, I believe all you need is: LoadModule auth_digest_module
> modules/mod_auth_digest.so
> >I even have a setup for LDAP that >doesn't work.  The same setup works as
> in Apache 2.2.  Can you guys give me some pointers as to were I went
> astray? thanks all for your help.  I used >htdigest to generate password
> and >realm for Digest.
> >
> >My setup is as follows.
> >
> >       AuthType Digest
> >        AuthName "apache24"
> >        AuthDigestAlgorithm MD5
> >        AuthDigestDomain / http://amazon-node
> >        AuthDigestProvider file
> >        AuthUserFile   /usr/local/apache24/conf/secfile
> >        Require valid-user
> >--
> >Ezra Taylor
> When you issued the htdigest command: did you ue use apache24 as the realm
> name?  Did you make a mistake entering the password?
> For your AuthDigestDomain, are you trying to register two URI?  The root
> and the amazon-node?

Ezra Taylor

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