I've been searching though the archive and I haven't been able to find a 
posting that talks about exactly the problem we're having, so I hope folks will 
be patient if I'm duplicating some questions here.

I'm running a test system which hosts several applications, one of which is 
required to use an SSL connection.  I created a virtual host for this purpose, 
which can field requests from either our internal network or the Internet (the 
test system replicates our production DMZ).  However, while the internal 
connection works fine, trying to connect over SSL from the Internet only 
generates a 404 error (although it is connecting via SSL, the page I'm 
requesting comes back as unavailable).

Here's the configuration I'm using (this is on Apache 2.2.25, running on 
Windows Server 2003 R2):

Listen 443
NameVirtualHost *:443

<VirtualHost *:443>
                ServerName server.com
                DocumentRoot "E:/sites"
                ErrorLog "C:\Apache2.2\logs\ssl.log"
                SSLEngine on
                SSLCertificateFile "C:/Apache2.2/conf/crt/mycert.crt"
                SSLCertificateKeyFile "C:/Apache2.2/conf/crt/mykey.key"
                <Location /Portal>
                                RewriteEngine On
                                RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
                                RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://{SERVER_NAME}/$1 
                                SetHandler weblogic-handler
                                WebLogicHost wl_server_ip
                                WebLogicPort 7102
                                Debug On
                                WLLogFile "C:\Apache2.2\logs\wl-module.log"
                                DebugConfigInfo On
                                ErrorPage /Error/wl_bridge_failure.htm

(IPs and server names are changed for obvious reasons).  Does anyone have any 
idea why I'm unable to reach our page from the outside?  I'm not even sure it's 
an Apache issue, but I've verified that port 443 is open on the machine, and 
Apache is the only application listening on that port.  Thanks!

Dave Willis

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