
you could use host based access control giving full access to the server applications.examle.com:


The problem is that the request to secure.example.com has to come from applications.example.com and not from the client browser. You could use mod_proxy directives for that.

For example on the application webserver:
ProxyPass /secure http://secure.example.com/
ReverseProxyPass /secure http://secure.example.com/

With that every browser accessing http://application.example.com/secure will actually get the content of http://secure.example.com.

But that only works if you did set host based access rules as in the above link.


Am 11.10.2013 16:58, schrieb Philippe Marcoussis:

I am facing a problem, and i don't known how to solve it.

I have two web sites working and available on the internet :
- applications.example.com <http://applications.example.com>
- secure.example.com <http://secure.example.com>

I would like :
1) to allow FULL access FROM applications.example.com <http://applications.example.com> TO secure.example.com <http://secure.example.com> ( without any authentication)


2) to allow access FROM Internet TO secure.example.com <http://secure.example.com> only with LDAP Authentification.
PS: I know how to configure ldap authentication, that is not the matter

What apache directive should I use ? mod_rewrite ? http_referer ?


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