 For sure have you not forgotten specifying option SSLCertificateKeyFile  ?
 What is the url you are using?
If you use https://localost:424 instead of https://a:424, you can get weird results.

I can also try it, if your problem persists. My last several years is full of creating and using certificates ;-)


I two virtual hosts on different ports specify different certificate files, but use the same ServerName, both ports use the same certificate. Is this expected behavior?

With this config:

Listen *:424 https
<VirtualHost *:424>
ServerName A
SSLCertificateFile 1.crt

Listen *:444 https
<VirtualHost *:444>
ServerName A
SSLCertificateFile 2.crt

connecting to either 424 or 444, I get cert 1.

With this config:

Listen *:424 https
<VirtualHost *:424>
ServerName A
SSLCertificateFile 1.crt

Listen *:444 https
<VirtualHost *:444>
ServerName B
SSLCertificateFile 2.crt

connecting to 424 gets me cert 1, and connecting to 444 gets me cert 2.

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