Hi Apache users,

I'm running Apache 2.2.22 on Ubuntu server 12.04 as a reverse proxy to some internal services, including Exchange/OWA 2003. I have setup a site login page where users authenticate before they can access these services. This works fine, but now I want to avoid users having to authenticate a second time to access their OWA mailbox.

To do this I've setup a form which is pre-filled with the User ID, password and some other details. This works if I post it directly to the Exchange server, eg.

<form id="logonForm" name="logonForm" formtarget="_self" action="https://ExchangeServer/exchweb/bin/auth/owaauth.dll"; method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="destination" value="https://ExchangeServer/exchange"; />

But fails if I post via the reverse proxy, eg.

<form id="logonForm" name="logonForm" formtarget="_self" action="/exchange/bin/auth/owaauth.dll" method="post">
      <input type="hidden" name="destination" value="/exchange" />

The relevant section of the virtual host file is:

# OWA links
<Location /exchange>
ProxyPass https://ExchangeServer/exchange
ProxyPassReverse https://ExchangeServer/exchange

<Location /exchweb>
ProxyPass https://ExchangeServer/exchweb
ProxyPassReverse https://ExchangeServer/exchweb

The only error I receive is a "440 Login Timeout" from the Exchange server. I suspect it may be a cookie issue but I'm not really sure. As I said the form auto login works fine if I use the Exchange server directly rather than through the reverse proxy so I think it is an issue with my mod_rewrite config.

Any suggestions or advice would be much appreciated

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