Dear List,

I am attempting to set up mod_evasive and I have been testing with the 
following configuration:

<IfModule mod_evasive20.c>
  DOSHashTableSize    3097
  DOSPageCount        3
  DOSSiteCount        3
  DOSPageInterval     5
  DOSSiteInterval     5
  DOSBlockingPeriod   60

I have been testing by clicking links in skeletal test pages (pages only have 
links, no images or anything else that loads when the page loads) and it 
apparently seems to be working.  It appears to be regulated by the page count 
and page interval directives properly, however, from what I observe, 
DOSBlockingPeriod seems to have no effect.  If I wait for just a few seconds 
(about 3), I can start loading pages again.

Can anyone shed light on this please?

Thank you kindly,

Allasso Travesser
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