
As I’m new to the mailing list, I hope that I’m not doing anything out of the 
pattern. I have already searched for my problem, but it’s too specific and i 
could not find any answer.
The problem is that I have created a custom error page, and put on apache to 
point to that page as a default 404 error page. The website logic I built is 
always storing the page the user is, so I also applied that logic to that 
custom not found page. That have helped me out tracking the problem. Problem 
happens when I go over any link on the server, like /Text.txt, as this is not 
any of the pages, it just opens the document normally, but it would also have 
passed through my 404 custom page error page. I took long to get that, I was 
seeing the 404 custom page on the session stored, and I didn’t know why (that 
started when i tried to open a .pdf file stored in the server, but also happens 
with .txt file). After sometimes searching I went over my default 404 custom 
error, witch is in fact a .php file that generates html in the end, and made it 
write down a text file on the disk every time it was opened, so I found out 
that when i clicked over a .pdf file it would open normally in another tab on 
the Browser (Google Chrome), but it would also have in some moment gone trough 
the custom error file, because i was checking the file i created to write down 
a line every time the 404 was opened. That is really strange. 
I think that this has to be something with file types on the Apache 
configuration, or I really don’t know.
To get clear, I have already thought of a way to solve the problem, by changing 
my code, to no store this page, But I’m sending that, just to report and maybe 
to know the solution for Apache.
If my explanation is not good enough I can try to be more clear.

Thank you,

Marcus Siqueira 

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