Hello all

I am new to apache & the apache mailing list so PLEASE forgive me for my
long message :

I am trying to configure a nice reverse proxy using Apache. Basically this
is what I want : i want to be able to browse to something like
testproxy.myproxy.com and proxy to www.cnn.com. I want to be able to see
images and i want javascript and css and all that good  stuff loaded as
well. I already created a DNS record for testproxy.myproxy.com and this is
the configuration im using for the virtual host:

<VirtualHost [::]:80>
   ServerName testproxy.myproxy.com
   ProxyRequests off
   ProxyPass / http://www.cnn.com/
   ProxyPassReverse / http://www.cnn.com/

now when i restart the httpd service (By the way I am using RHEL 6.5), I
can browse to testproxy.myproxy.com but allthat appears in the browser are
text and links. No images are loaded nor any CSS/javascript. What am I
missing in my virtualhost configuration thats preventing me from loading
images? Ive noticed that some of the images on cnn.com are hosted on a
different site such as :


Im guessing that since the images are hosted in the /cnn/dam/assets/ folder
on i2.cdn.turner.com , and the virtualhost/reverse proxy is only set up to
proxy pass to www.cnn.com , it is not loading images and scripts that are
hosted on http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/. I dont know if i am
even close to being accurate with my assumptions. Apache is a very new
thing to me.

my question is how do I go about configuring my virtualhosts properly so
that every image and script that is on www.cnn.com, will be URL rewritten
as testproxy.myproxy.com/ blah blah blah as opposed to
i2.cdn.turner.com/etcetcetcetc? for example one of the images on CNN's
homepage is:


I want to be able to go to a browser, type in testproxy.myproxy.com in the
address bar, proxy to www.cnn.com and when i right click on the image, i
want the FQDN of the image to be something like
Basically i want all URLs to be rewritten as
http://testproxy.myproxy.com/.......etc etc etc.

All help is GREATLY appreciated because well, i am totally lost here lol.
Ive done research on using mod_proxy_html and what not, but im still
confused as to how I go about doing this in my situation.

Please assist me!



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