I have a website running drupal which is currently under a continuous
botnet attack, which is causing major performance issues. I'm trying to
use apache's access control mechanism to block these requests. 

Two characteristics of the attack requests are that they all use
HTTP/1.0, and a large percentage of them are within one domain.

When I look at my access log, most requests are coming in from:

i tried blocking access using Apache's Deny From as follows:

<Directory /opt/drupal-7/>
   Options +FollowSymLinks 
   AllowOverride All
   Order Allow,Deny
   Allow from all
   Deny from .broad.pt.fj.dynamic.163data.com.cn

However this did not work - all requests are still being allowed in.
Note that the /opt/drupal-7 directory is a symlink to the actual
directory which has the full version number.

Also, since all the botnet requests are marked as HTTP/1.0, I tried to
restrict access to the user-registration pages using the protocol, as

SetEnvIf Request_Protocol "^HTTP/1\.0$" Bad_Req
<Location /utenti>
    Order Allow,Deny 
    Deny from env=BadReq 

However this is blocking everything - HTTP/1.0 or 1.1. "/utenti" is the
prefix to the user registration page, password-reset page etc. I tried
changing around the Order, adding an "Allow from all" but in each case I
either end up blocking everyone or letting all requests through.

I'd appreciate any advice on how to implement the above or resolve this
issue in some other way.

Ramon Casha

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