Thanks, that worked.
I had multiple listen directives. I cleared httpd.conf ( tried some code and 
left it there accidentally ) and removed "listen 80" from 
sites-available/ VHost settings
Another thread advised the use of "restart" instead of "reload" in "service 
apache2 restart", which seemed to work.
There are obviously several ways to do vhosts. Are there 
advantages/disadvantages to this method? If it is relevant, I need to have 
multiple sites on this server, each with their own config, and some with their 
own SSL.
Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: "Eric Covener" <>
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 10:29am
Subject: Re: FW: [users@httpd] Help with Virtual Hosting on Linux 3.2 / Ubuntu 

On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Roy Hinkelman - Technical Services
<> wrote:
> This site, for 2.4,
> , says to "simply" put the VirtualHost info into httpd.conf. FireFox says
> "Unable to Connect"

Missing a Listen directive, or a firewall problem. Not related to
VirtualHost directive.

If your packaging of httpd uses a sites-available/sites-enabled
layout, use it. If not, put it in httpd.conf.  The server doesn't
really care what ultimately gets included.

Eric Covener

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