Are you 100% sure that what is being returned by the backend
is 'localhost' and not something else? I assume when you
say it's not being "redirected" you mean that the 302s aren't
being handled correctly...

On May 11, 2014, at 1:22 AM, Buddhi Eashwarage <> wrote:

> I want to redirect a url to an application on same apache server.My 
> development environment is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.I enables the mod_proxy.But my 
> url isn't redirecting to the desired application.Following is the code i put 
> inside the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file.I put this bottom of the 
> file but before the "VirtualHost" tag.
> Code
> -------------------------------------
> ProxyRequests On
> ProxyVia On
> <Proxy *>
> Order deny,
> allow
> Deny from
>  all
> Allow from
>  localhost
> </Proxy>
> ProxyPass /application_directory/ http://localhost/application/directory
> ProxyPassReverse /application_directory/ 
> http://localhost/application/directory
> Kind Regards,
> Buddhi Eashwarage

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