Hello all,

First of all , this is my first question in this forum ,so if I am doing
something wrong ,please let me know .

As part of my job, I started using Apache 2.4.9 version on Windows
Platforms and one of our requirement is to support Signal-R and WebSockets
multiple connections.

Please correct me if I am wrong , but when using WS or SignalR, Apache
Server opens a new thread per single connection , means If I have 3000
clients connected to Apache , I need to create 3000 threads in the
configuration files:

LoadModule proxy_wstunnel_module modules/mod_proxy_wstunnel.so

ThreadLimit 6000

ThreadsPerChild 3000

My question is : what should be the correct configuration if my server need
to support , for example, 6000 clients connected simultaneously? Because ,
when I am setting ThreadsPerChild=6000 , the *httpd* process crashed
immediately .

Error that I am getting from apache log:

[mpm_winnt:crit] [pid 13932:tid 520] (OS 8)Unrecognized Win32 error code 8:
AH00355: Child: CreateThread failed. Unable to create all worker threads.
Created 2992 of the 6000 threads requested with the ThreadsPerChild
confiuration directive.

Is it possible to support such number of threads ? Or is it possible to
increase the number of threads as needed during the run time ?

Some more technical information:

Apache Version :2.4.9 (32 bit)

OS: Windows Server 2008R2 (64 bit)

Using mpm_winnt module.

I  very appreciate any help and feedback .

Thanks and regards,


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