I'm having an annoying problem as a result of enabling multilingual error 
documents. The situation is this:

  - I'm using the multilingual error docs that come with apache 2.4.x.
  - I have clients other than web browsers --- API consumers, WebDAV clients, 
etc. --- which don't include text/html in their Accept: headers.

When an error of some kind occurs, Apache goes and looks through the typemap 
for a matching error page. Unfortunately it doesn't find one, since all of the 
error pages are HTML. So instead, it returns a generic error page (in HTML!), 
as well as logging an "AH00690: no acceptable variant" message, changing the 
response code in the CombinedLog to 406, and generally emitting noise.

If there *isn't* a typemap for multilingual error docs, then Apache will 
happily return an HTML error page to the client, even though the client does 
not Accept: text/html. (I'm not sure what the standards have to say about this 
situation, but this seems like the generally preferable behavior for error 
documents, and what I would expect.)

Obviously, I can simply turn off multilingual error documents to get the 
behavior I want, but I'd like to keep the l10n if I can.

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