Hmmm... let me mull this over.

BTW: CCing on dev@
On May 29, 2014, at 11:18 AM, Juan Ignacio Barisich <> 

> I need to configure in Apache 2.4.9 (with mod_proxy and mod_proxy_wstunnel 
> activated) a proxy with this mapping:
> - http://my.proxy/*  -->  http://my.backend:8080/*
> - ws://my.proxy/*    -->  ws://my.backend:8080/*
> E.g.:
> - ws://my.proxy/cometd-demo-2.8.0/cometd --> 
> ws://my.backend:8080/cometd-demo-2.8.0/cometd
> - http://my.proxy/cometd-demo-2.8.0/cometd --> 
> http://my.backend:8080/cometd-demo-2.8.0/cometd
> - http://my.proxy/cometd-demo-2.8.0/jquery-examples/chat/ --> 
> http://my.backend:8080/cometd-demo-2.8.0/jquery-examples/chat/
> In other words, I need a proxy that keeps (preserves) the protocol.
> This configuration does not work:
>     <VirtualHost *:80>
>        ...
>        ProxyRequests Off
>        ProxyPreserveHost Off
>        ProxyPass / http://my.backend:8080/
>        ProxyPassReverse / http://my.backend:8080/
>     </VirtualHost>
> because all request (no matter protocol) are proxied to http*
> Anyone knows how can I solve this?
> Thanks!

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