
I was assigned with the task of preparing a security policy for Apache HTTP 
servers in my company and, despite I have a few years of experience with it 
(mostly v2.2), I'd like to have a more formal reference material on which I 
could base the policy.

Please, is there any good (and not so old) book on Apache security out there 
that you would recommend?

I know there is a lot of information on this subject on the net, but as far as 
I could see they only cover the basics like not using privileged ID, locking 
down the binaries, logs and directories, .htaccess files, not allowing CGI 
scripts, etc., which I already know. I'm looking for a book that could cover 
the basics plus more advanced configurations, again mainly for v2.2 and perhaps 
also for 2.4.

Thank you!!

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