
On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Jamie Jackson <jamieja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I'm a noob with mod_rewrite, and my logging has wondering about some
> things. (BTW, I'm on 2.2)
> Here's the request command, the virtual host's rewrite rule, and the
> generated log output: http://apaste.info/5ga
> I don't really understand why the logs are showing me an exhaustive list
> of the files that are *included* by the requested (dynamic) script. Is it
> normal? Is it something I need to configure to go away? I thought the NS
> flag would make those go away, but obviously I don't really understand NS
> or subrequests. (I *think* I understand PT, but I'm not sure.) I've read
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/rewrite/flags.html a bunch of times, but
> I still don't completely get what NS does, given it doesn't do what I
> thought it did(?).
> Also, the existence of the NS flag, and the fact that the rewrite log is
> showing subrequests to me makes me wonder A) why httpd deals with
> subrequests, when it seems like an application server concern and B) what
> use there might be in having httpd process subrequests; what's a use case
> for that?
> Thanks,
> Jamie

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