Hello. This is the first time I post something here, because whenever I had a
question always found the solution at some old topic. But this time I have
not found something that works. So let the doubt:

Apache 2.2 (HTTPS) => Jboss 4.2.3 (HTTPS)

I have an application running on JBoss, with authentication via digital
certificates, to directly access the JSP page on Jboss works perfectly, the
script opens, I choose the certificate in jsp page use
"*java.security.cert.X509Certificate certChain[] =
to pick up the certificate and validate in my application. This works

Now when I put the APACHE Jboss before doing the redirect from https to
https jboss, the request.getAttribute always returns NULL. What should I do?

I have also tried with the variables:
SSL_CLIENT_CERT, but only returns NULL

Settings that did:

*<VirtualHost myserver:443>*

*    ServerName myserver.local *

*    SSLEngine On*

*    SSLProxyEngine On *

*    SSLCertificateFile ...myfile.crt*

*    SSLCertificateKeyFile ...myfile.key *

*    SSLCACertificateFile ...ca.crt*

*    SSLVerifyClient optional *

*    SSLVerifyDepth 2*

*    SSLOptions +ExportCertData + StdEnvVars *

*    <Proxy *>*

*        Order deny,allow*

*        Allow from all*

*    </Proxy>*

*    <Location /> *

*        ProxyPass            https://myserver:8443/
<https://myserver:8443/> *
*        ProxyPassReverse https://myserver:8443/ <https://myserver:8443/>*

*    </Location> *


anyone have any idea to help me?


Samuel Facchinello
Joinville - SC - Brazil

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