I've spent a couple hours tracking down the cause unexpected and (I believe)
spurious log messages.

If I'm right that the messages ARE spurious, I'll file a bug report.  But before
I do that, can anyone see something I'm doing wrong?

Here is the relevant section of my httpd configuration file....

   <VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName internal.mydomain

        DocumentRoot /var/www/internal/html
            <Directory "/var/www/internal/html">
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride All
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/internal/cgi-bin/
            <Directory "/var/www/internal/cgi-bin">
                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Internal"
                Options FollowSymLinks
                AuthUserFile /var/www/internal/access/htpasswd
                AuthGroupFile /var/www/internal/access/htgroups
                Require group internaluser

This mostly does what I would expect: attempts to access
are met with a password prompt.  And if the right password is
given, the scrips
is invoked.

The same thing happens for
Everything works, and no errors are logged.

EXCEPT when access to the document root is protected by a ".htaccess"
file that refers to a AuthUserFile that requires different passwords.

When that is the case, everything still works BUT the error log for
the virtual hosts gets a line of the form...
   user someuser: authentication failure for "/arguments-here":
Password Mismatch

The error line only appears when the requested URL extends beyond the
script name (i.e. when there are "arguments-here").  The script is
invoked as it should be, and sees "arguments-here", but IN ADDITION to
the intended processing, something attempts to authenticate access to
"arguments-here" in the document tree.  Nothing appears in the access
log (apart from the successful access to the script), only the error log.

If the password for the cgi-bin directory works for the document tree,
no error is logged.  Which suggests that the spurious/unintended
access may be succeeding...

Have I misunderstood something?  Am I doing something wrong?

Or is there a bug?


Robert Inder,                                    0131 229 1052 / 07808 492 213
Interactive Information Ltd,   3, Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 9HH
Registered in Scotland, Company no. SC 150689
                                           Interactions speak louder than words

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