Hi !

I'm trying to use Apache 2.2 to proxy connections to a server that only listens 
with HTTPS (Citrix Secure Gateway, to be more precise) and keep the connection 
encrypted. I've already enabled the proxy, proxy_http and proxy_connect modules 
but when I access through my Apache server I got the message 

What am I misunderstanding and if someone could explain to me the correct way 
to achieve a proxy with a HTTPS>HTTPS connection I would really appreciate !

Here is my configuration:

<VirtualHost *:443>
       SSLEngine ON 
       SSLProxyEngine ON
       ProxyPass         / https://IP_OF_THE_CITRIX_SERVER/
       ProxyPassReverse / https://IP_OF_THE_CITRIX_SERVER/
        LogLevel debug
        ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/citrix-ssl-error.log
        TransferLog /var/log/apache2/citrix-ssl-access.log

Fabio S. Schmidt
Consultor tĂ©cnico SĂȘnior
4linux - Open Software Specialists

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