Dear Richard Thanks for yor reply

> At a content delivery level, apache and squid are almost
> antithetical. So, while squid may find it desirable/necessary to
> play DNS games as part of meeting its content delivery goals, that's
> not something apache needs to do (since if you need to play the
> games you use squid).
> You could, of course, set up a virtual host (at the OS level) and
> put a private DNS server there (along with your apache server). Of
> course, you have to know a decent amount about DNS to be able to
> configure it to do what you're seemingly after anyway.
> In short, controlling apache access by host/domain is at best light
> security. You would be rather better off using IPnumbers instead.
> - Richardbut for me to be sure , can I have two virtual machines, one has DNS 
> and the other has Apache and configure the machine of Apache to use the DNS 
> of the other machine, all will be good to me? 

Thanks again.


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