Hi, I am Bae (from Japan).

(apache Version: 2.0.64)

I installed the mod_dumpio, and getting request and reponse information in
But if log(one line) becomes long, the log of the one line'end is missing.

(Example) error.log
①dumpio_out (data-HEAP): 111222333444555666 (→ "777" is missing)
②dumpio_out (data-HEAP): 888999
※ Therefore, put together log above ①②, cannot get correct response("777"
is missing).

It seems that this occur if one line becomes long, but cannot tell the
point that the missing begins in(not a particular character, not a specific

Is there any solution of keeping a log from being missing?
(apache or mod_dumpio's setting?)

Thank you very much for your help.

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