Perhaps a constructive answer would help the original poster here.

Since your bottleneck is the lack of actual RAM, then I would recommend
using a threaded mpm like event, which will allow you to support far more
clients with less resources. With 2.4, you can simply load the appropriate
mpm with the LoadModule directive.

As for php support, I recommend using mod_proxy_fcgi to translate requests
to a php-fpm pool. See the recipes on

As a ballpark figure, you can probably get away with two three httpd
processes using 5-7 MB of RAM each, and dedicate the remainder of your free
resources to php-fpm.


On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 7:28 PM, Pablo Garcia Melga <>

> Robin, I haven't tested on 2.4, but done many times on 2.2 and 1.3, I
> would compile it myself, just using the mods you need, and after that I
> would stripe the symbols to make the binary even smaller.
> Hope it helps
> Regards, Pablo
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 7:42 PM, Robin de Haan <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm a web designer setting up a server for the first time using a very
>> light Linode package with 1GB RAM and 1 CPU. It will host a Drupal site
>> that gets low traffic. It's running Ubuntu 14.04 and Apache 2.4.7.
>> I'm following their set up guide here:
>> which suggests
>> editing apache2.conf with the following:
>> <IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
>> StartServers 2
>> MinSpareServers 6
>> MaxSpareServers 12
>> MaxClients 80
>> MaxRequestsPerChild 3000
>> </IfModule>
>> When I couldn't find anything like that code in the .conf file I checked
>> with Linode support and was told that, from Apache 2.4 "This section is
>> built-in now and not included in the apache2.conf" but when I asked how
>> then to optimize Apache for a light server a different support person got
>> back to me and said I could just add that code to the end of the .conf file.
>> I'm posting here hoping a specialist can clear this up or advise an
>> alternative way to optimise Apache for this kind of server.
>> Thanks,
>> Robin

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