
I encountered with some problem when HTTP delete URL contains special
characters like , ‘?/.’

Apache receives following URL:

DELETE /filter/delete/test%3Fname HTTP/1.1

But instead of sending it as is , apache is doing decoding and sending it
like this:

DELETE /filter/delete/test?name HTTP/1.1

(In this example , site have a filter name = “test?name” and send HTTP
DELETE request to delete it)

I have already tried to add AllowEncodedSlashes key but without success.

AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode


AllowEncodedSlashes On

In addition , I have rewrite rule that moves the http request to port 7001:

RewriteRule ^/( filter /.*)$1 [P,NC]

Maybe something wrong with my rewrite rule ?

I very appreciate any help

Thanks a lot,


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