I found the error:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName logs.markouassociates.com
   ServerName logs

The last line should be ServerAlias instead of ServerName.

Apparently working at night is not my best :)

Thanks for the support guys!

On 06/09/2014 07:12 πμ, Theodotos Andreou wrote:
After some sleep I figured out that the problem was the incorrect redirection.

So if I call https directly it works. For example https://sub2.myexample.com will get me to the right location.

If I visit http://sub2.myexample.com it redirects to https://sub1.myexample.com

This is the first configuration I tried:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName logs.markouassociates.com
    ServerName logs

    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on

    RewriteRule ^/?(.*)https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]

and this is the second:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName logs.markouassociates.com
    ServerName logs

    Redirect permanent /https://sub2.example.com/

but none of them worked.

I do not use any https redirection on sub1.example.com. https is enforced by the application rather than apache config.

On 06/09/2014 01:28 πμ, Yehuda Katz wrote:

You don't need NameVirtualHost, but you do need ServerName and/or ServerAlias directives to tell apache which ghost serves which site.

- Y

Sent from a gizmo with a very small keyboard and hyperactive autocorrect.

On Sep 5, 2014 6:07 PM, "Theodotos Andreou" <t...@ubuntucy.org <mailto:t...@ubuntucy.org>> wrote:

    Hi guys. I am trying to setup two SSL vhosts on apache but
    getting redirected to the first one.

    I read this guide:
    Apparently that guide about SNI is old since the NameServer
    directive seems to be deprecated on mine:
    AH00548: NameVirtualHost has no effect and will be removed in the
    next release /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/namevirtualhost.conf:1

    And this FAQ:
    I am using a wildcard cert for both vhosts

    # apache2 -version
    Server version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
    Server built: Jul 22 2014 14:36:38
    This is the stock apache from Ubuntu 14.04.01

    SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck has not been enabled:

    #   Whether to forbid non-SNI clients to access name based
    virtual hosts.
            #   Default: Off
            #SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck On

    Any hints to the right direction? How can I troubleshoot this
    issue further?

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