On Mon, September 29, 2014 18:30, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:
> The list feels this message is spam for some reason and won't deliver it.
Sending again from hotmail just to make sure it gets through.
> I see the following two lines in your httpd.conf.  Why not load the stock
httpd-vhosts.conf and edit to your needs?
> # Virtual hosts
> #Include /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
> Include /etc/httpd/virtual.d/*.conf
> What does /etc/httpd/virtual.d/*.conf hold?
> Do you have anything like this anywhere?  If so is it being loaded?  You can
also just place it in httpd.conf if you want.

Thank you for your help.  I took your advice and went back to the virtual.d
configuration files.  Repeated testing uncovered a surprising dns error that
was redirecting traffic to an identically configured virtual host using a
different IP address.  Thus the changes I was making to the one were not being
picked up as the other IP was being returned for the url I was using.

In any case, I have resolved this and numerous other small issues such that
the httpd-2.4 service is responding as documented and as I require.  The
original question respecting the httpd.conf stanza:

<Directory />
   AllowOverride none
   Require all denied

is resolved, that directive is enabled, and all the web site are now
responding as expected.

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