      while installing the apache http 2.2.27 on linux OS, am getting these
exceptions and could not start up webserver with

/apps/Oracle/apache2.2/bin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries:
libexpat.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

i see these while trying to make file.

do we need to install any packages as pre-re

libtool: install: warning:
has not been installed in `/apps/Oracle/apache2.2/lib'
libtool: install: warning:
has not been installed in `/apps/Oracle/apache2.2/lib'
libtool: install: warning:
has not been installed in `/apps/Oracle/apache2.2/lib'
libtool: install: warning:
has not been installed in `/apps/Oracle/apache2.2/lib'
libtool: install: warning:
has not been installed in `/apps/Oracle/apache2.2/lib'
libtool: install: warning:
has not been installed in `/apps/Oracle/apache2.2/lib'
libtool: install: warning:
has not been installed in `/apps/Oracle/apache2.2/lib'
libtool: install: warning:
has not been installed in `/apps/Oracle/apache2.2/lib'


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