I want to rewrite a URL with a questions mark and I'm having alot of
trouble getting this working.

My requirement is that I have to do a match on the %{HTTP_HOST} first
and from there I need to do a rewrite to a static URL.

URL Request looks like this: http://site.com/iddetail.php?id=88888

What I have tired up to this point:

Rewritecond %{HTTP_HOST} ^site.com [NC]
https://www.site.com/results.html#/newsite [R=301,NE,L]

The results that I see from this rewrite rules is:

I have also tried:
Rewritecond %{HTTP_HOST} ^site.com [NC]
^(.*)iddetail\.php$ https://www.site.com/results.html#/newsite [R=301,NE,L]

The result is: https://www.site.com/results.html#/newsite/?id=8888

Any help with this would be apprehended.

Thank You,

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