Now my named virtual host is working correctly, I've another problem,
and I think this is an easy one. It's just a matter of what "flavor,"
if you will, of the directive to use.

On the site hosting the A-record for my server, the A-record address
is what shows up in the address bar of a browser when I browse to the
URL of the named virtual host--i.e., I browse to but the address that shows up in the address
bar when I get there is the one in the A-record (e.g.,,
making the address bar show "";. I'm thinking
mod_rewrite fixes this, right? If so, which of the several ways of
using it will do the substitution of with
Also, how do I find out for certain if the mod_rewrite module is even
installed and loaded? I don't find a .load file for it in
mods-enabled, making me think it might not be installed.

Thanks again and as always for any and all assistance.

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