
do you have an other authorization modules (like mod_shib for shibboleth-authentication)?

We had an issue concerning require valid-user, too. I guess that if several authorization handlers are active "require valid-user" directives asks each of them for approval. At least mod_shib shows this behaviour. The fact that if you give the specific user (which determines the specific authorization authority) or a require-directive specific to an authorization module supports this assumption.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards

Am 24.11.2014 um 12:13 schrieb Marc Patermann:

I using the following .htaccess

AuthBasicProvider ldap file
AuthType Basic
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
Authname "..."
AuthUserFile /srv/www/.htusers-mf
AuthLDAPURL "ldap://ldapserver/ou=humans,ou=foo,c=de?mail??(mail=*@ofd-*.foo.de)"
 #Require ldap-group ou=Benutzer-Opst,ou=gruppen,ou=humans,ou=foo,c=de
 #Require user k1-st-01
 Require valid-user

The "require valid-user" does not work for ldap users. I get the following message in error_log:

/var/log/apache2/error_log:[Thu Nov 21 09:40:48 2014] [error] [client] access to /documents/ failed, reason: user 'u...@foo.de' does not meet 'require'ments for user/valid-user to be allowed access

Apache is version 2.2.10

If I set it to "require ldap-user u...@foo.de" or "require ldap-group ..." it is all fine, so the ldap part does it's thing.


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