Hi all, it's some days that I'm trying to manage proxy member of my cluster
using the web gui (balancer-manager) but I'm only able to manage the
enable/disable and member weight.
I'm using apache 2.4.7 and this is my virtual-host config:

        ServerName www.mysite.it
        ProxyPreserveHost Off
        ProxyRequests off
        ProxyPass /proxy-status !
        # BalancerGrowth 10 <-- test

        ProxyPass / balancer://hotcluster/
        <Proxy balancer://hotcluster>
                BalancerMember http://ip1 loadfactor=1 timeout=5 retry=2
                BalancerMember http://ip2 status=+H timeout=5
                BalancerMember http://ip3 status=+H timeout=5
                ProxySet failontimeout=on

Into the web gui I saw MaxMember 3 (3 used) but I don't know if it can help

There's other to configure to permit the add/remove of member IP from web



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