Hi all, I've two backend server that require HTTP auth and I need the proxy
ask for it and forward to backend server.
Proxy doesn't have the user/password file.

In Apache 2.2 I solved in this way:

<VirtualHost *:80>

        ProxyPass / balancer://hotcluster/
        <Proxy balancer://hotcluster>
                BalancerMember http://ip1/ loadfactor=20 retry=2
                BalancerMember http://ip2/ status=+H

                AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
                SetEnv proxy-chain-auth On
                AuthType basic

    <Location />
            AuthType basic
            AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
            SetEnv proxy-chain-auth On
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all


But it doesn't work with 2.4 version.

Anyone have suggestion?


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