Hi all,

   I am trying to configure a test env with an Apache HTTP Server and an
Oracle Weblogic 12c Cluster. The configuration is:

   Apache HTTP Server:
   Weblogic Cluster......: (2 Clustered Managed Servers in
the same server for testing purposes).

The configuration of my httpd.conf file, regarding the plug-in
configurations can be seen below:


*Listen 8080*

*LoadModule weblogic_module modules/mod_wl.so*
*<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>*
*   WeblogicHost*
*   WeblogicPort 7005*


*<Location /benefits>*
*   SetHandler weblogic-handler*
*   WebLogicCluster
<>, <>*
*   WLSocketTimeoutSecs 20*

When i try to acess my app (benefits) using the address
<>*, i get the following error:

*No backend server available for connection: timed out after 10 seconds or
idempotent set to OFF or method not idempotent.*

At the error_log, the error message is the following:

*[Tue Dec 16 23:37:14 2014] [error] [client]
<849214187838263> weblogic: *******Exception type [NO_RESOURCES]
(apr_socket_connect call failed with error=13, host=,
port=7006 ) raised at line 1682 of URL.cpp[Tue Dec 16 23:37:14 2014]
[error] [client] weblogic: Trying GET /benefits at backend
host ' <>; got exception
'NO_RESOURCES: [os error=13,  line 1682 of URL.cpp]: apr_socket_connect
call failed with error=13, host=, port=7006 '[Tue Dec 16
23:37:16 2014] [error] [client] <849214187838263> weblogic:
*******Exception type [NO_RESOURCES] (apr_socket_connect call failed with
error=13, host=, port=7005 ) raised at line 1682 of
URL.cpp[Tue Dec 16 23:37:16 2014] [error] [client] weblogic:
Trying GET /benefits at backend host '
<>; got exception 'NO_RESOURCES: [os error=13,
 line 1682 of URL.cpp]: apr_socket_connect call failed with error=13*

What am i doing wrong? Thanks for the attention and pacience.

*Fabrício Pedroso Jorge.*

Administrador de Banco de Dados
Oracle 11g Certified SQL Expert
Oracle 11g Certified Associate
Oracle 11g Certified Professional
Linux Professional Institute Certified Level I (LPIC-I)
ITIL V3 Foudations

*Resumo Profissional:*

+ 55 91 88991116
skype: fabricio.pedroso.jorge

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