On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 03:18:57PM +0000, Rose, John B wrote:
> For a one page web site
> The page will have a very large number of visitors in a short time.  There 
> will be simple text updates on the page and users will check back frequently 
> to see the updates.
> Say 100k visitors each minute.
> For instance an emergency/disaster information/status page.
> 1. Is there any reason to have KeepAlive set to "On" ? If so, suggested 
> KeepAliveTimeout?

No, unless the page has links to images, stylesheets, js or other static
content served by the same machine. But don't do that - host them on
another server with a long cache time instead.

> 2. Any other suggested Apache configuration settings for such a web site?

Use event MPM. Only load the modules which you need, which should be
almost none for one simple page. Read the docs on performance tuning.

> 3. Is there some way to cache the page in RAM?

Yes, but since you say there will be frequent updates, maybe investigate
just having the page on a ramdisk so you get fast reads and writes?

> 4. What if there is one section on the page that will be updated very 
> frequently in a server side include, jquery, php include, etc, somehow, and 
> we do not want to cache that part, but cached the rest of the page?

Yes, but only for javascript or iframes. I can't see how you could
accomplish it with SSI or PHP.

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