Happy New Years all!
Here is my problem/question:
I have two webservers,see info below

Web1 - –Main webserver with Apache 

Web2 - –Webcam with built in webserver that can be configured 
using cgi commands

On web1 I have thefollowing javascript which does a GET to web2 and send the 
cgi commands


Im getting across-domain error and I have confirmed that when I enable cross 
domain inChrome everything works great but I want this to work on a tablet 
which doesn'thave the enable cross domain option.

I have been trying touse mode_proxy but with no success. One thing that is 
making this moredifficult is the text after the :8122 in the XMLhttp:open will 
change dependingon what options the user selects so I need to preserve this. I 
also only wantto reverse proxy the above line and have everything else be 

I thought that if Ichanged the ip address in the XMLhttp:open to web1 then use 
the following

ProxyPreserveHost on

ProxyPassMatch ^$$1

but this doesn't work. Ihave tried many variations but no luck.

Any suggestions?

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