
My situation is as follows. My apache server proxies several java apps that 
live on a JBoss server. Yesterday ONE of the apps went unresponsive for about 3 
minutes. The interesting thing was, if I went around the proxy it worked 
absolutely fine. Which made me suspect Apache.

The logs had some entries like this:

[Tue Jan 06 14:59:27 2015] [error] (110)Connection timed out: proxy: HTTP: 
attempt to connect to (java3.toronto.mycompany.net) failed
[Tue Jan 06 14:59:27 2015] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker 
for (java3.toronto.mycompany.net)
[Tue Jan 06 14:59:45 2015] [error] proxy: HTTP: disabled connection for 

After some googleing I found a suggestion of putting 

status=+I (thats a capital i)

After my ProxyPass directive.

The documentation for this says:  'I' is ignore-errors

What I’m trying to understand is, what sorts of errors does it mean. And what 
is involved with ignoring the errors. Will it just move on and serve another 
request versus disabling the worker?

Finally what exactly does it mean when it says “disabling the worker”. Does 
that mean that all connections to that back end will go not be served until 
some time period elapses?

Thanks folks!

Jeff MacDonald

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