On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 10:50:04AM +0000, Daniel wrote:
> The thing is more about stopping the use of mod_php in favor of fcgi solution
> such as leave the php processing to php-fpm, that will enable you to use the 
> so
> much more performant event mpm in httpd, and from there you will just have to
> proxy requests to php files from httpd to php-fpm through mod_proxy_fcgi.
> And yes trying to use anything other than prefork with such thing as mod_php
> will be torture.
> Move away from mod_php as soon as you can.
Can you point me at a HOWTO for this? I'm not having much luck with

David Benfell <benf...@parts-unknown.org>
See https://parts-unknown.org/node/2 if you don't understand the

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