That should be the correct directive to have it ignore the name on the

Does the target system have an error log showing the connection?
There could be other errors with the SSL handshake besides the name not

- Y

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 6:40 PM, Chris Arnold <>

>  Apache 2.4.10 on SLES12. I am trying to send https://domain.tld/ifolder
> to and server running the app. Here is what i have in my ssl vhost:
>  ProxyPass /ifolder https://domain.tld/ifolder
> ProxyPassReverse /ifolder https://domain.tld/ifolder
>  This results in a 500 in the broswer. Here are the corresponding logs:
>  [Thu Jan 29 18:27:27.469838 2015] [proxy:error] [pid 17756] (502)Unknown
> error 502: [client ip:13010] AH01084: pass request body failed to
> (domain.tld)
> [Thu Jan 29 18:27:27.469916 2015] [proxy:error] [pid 17756] [client
> ip:13010] AH00898: Error during SSL Handshake with remote server returned
> by /ifolder
> [Thu Jan 29 18:27:27.469931 2015] [proxy_http:error] [pid 17756] [client
> ip:13010] AH01097: pass request body failed to
> (domain.tld) from public ip ()
> [Thu Jan 29 18:27:27.469947 2015] [proxy:debug] [pid 17756]
> proxy_util.c(2146): AH00943: HTTPS: has released connection for (domain.tld)
>  I have read that the SSLProxyCheckPeerName is on bt default. So above
> the proxypass statements i have SSLProxyCheckPeerName Off. Same error

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