Hi, I’m actually working on Apache 2.4.10 with a php server on fpm mode via the 
module proxy_fcgi. I’d like to know if it’s possible to use the following 
directive : 
<FilesMatch \.php$> 
SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://" 
to be able to load my php indexs who are supports by my php server (thanks to 
I know it’s possible to configure with the absolute path, because my php server 
can reply of the right way and the server is oblige to found the good path, but 
it can only give to me always the same php index. I’d like to know if it’s 
possible to configure this directive with a relative path to allow my php 
server to recognize all the php page in the directory where they place it. 
Example : 
<FilesMatch \.php$> 
SetHandler "proxy:fcgi:// path" 

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