On 23/02/2015 1:54 PM, "Chris Arnold" <carn...@electrichendrix.com> wrote:
> Apache 2.4.10. We have many users who still access a site using
http://sub.domain.com/webapp/page. We first want to redirect that above
link to https. We would also like to redirect http://sub.domain.com to
https://sub.domain.com/webapp. We have this working in the virtual host:80
with this:
> ProxyPass /webapp/ https://sub.domain.com/webapp/
> ProxyPassReverse /webapp/ https://sub.domain.com/webapp/
>  RedirectMatch ^/$ https://sub.domain.com/webapp/
> What does not work is this:
> ProxyPass /webapp/page/ https://sub.domain.com/webapp/
> ProxyPassReverse /webapp/page/ https://sub.domain.com/webapp/
>  RedirectMatch ^/$ https://sub.domain.com/webapp/page/
> When you type sub.domain.com/webapp/page in a browser, it does not
redirect to https. Can anybody see why it is not redirecting to https?

Think about what are you doing with:

RedirectMatch ^/$

and you will find your answer.

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