Dear Apache HTTP Server community,

A few months ago, I finally switched over my PHP from using mod_php to PHP-FPM. 
I have it mostly working, except for one very annoying thing that I hope you 
can help me with.

For my test vhost, I have a config that has a lot of RewriteRules and ends with 

RewriteRule ^/(.*\.php)$ 
fcgi://$1 [P]

This works. If I access:
then Apache does the rewriting and ends up sending a test.php to PHP-FPM, which 
parses it. Great.

The only problem I have is that if I request a non-existent PHP file, such as:
then Apache still sends this request to PHP-FPM, which proceeds to display a 
plain "File not found." message, telling anyone from the public who checks a 
made-up.php file on my domain that I:

* Run PHP.
* Use PHP-FPM.

Obviously, I do not want to send over control to PHP-FPM if the final file 
requested doesn't actually exist on the server. So I added this RewriteCond, 
hoping that it would solve exactly this:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
RewriteRule ^/(.*\.php)$ 
fcgi://$1 [P]

However, if I restart Apache HTTP Server (2.4) and load
then I will get a blank page. No output at all. No errors logged anywhere (no 
Apache error log, no PHP-FPM log, no PHP log). Please note that only that 
RewriteCond was added, in an attempt to make the "send this to PHP-FPM" not 
trigger unless the file requested (or determined after all the normal 
RewriteConds) actually exists.

I'm very confused now. Why is it behaving like this? It doesn't add up to me. 
Please tell me what's wrong.

PS: If you wonder why I don't use ProxyPassMatch or something (which the 
official PHP-FPM guide tells you to use), it's because of "some sort or 
problems" that I cannot remember anymore. I think it was related to the 
RewriteRules or something. The official guide on PHP-FPM with Apache is very 
naive in my opinion. It assumes that you use no RewriteRules or anything, which 
I consider crucial.

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