*If anyone finds this as a big question please let me know. I'll precise my
problem.Steps I followed:*

I installed apr and apr-utils package in the path *"/usr"* using the
--prefix option.

Both were installed successfully. Hence I installed apache 2.4 to the same
path ("/usr") using --prefix option while running

*"./configure" .*

*Later I came to know if prefix is not mentioned for apache2.4
installation, it will be installed inside /usr/local/apache2 by default.*
Hence I again installed without specifying --prefix option which does
installed the apache2 into /usr/local/apache2.

Now I cd to /usr/local/apache2/bin and run *sudo apachectl -k start *and
the apache server was started successfully.

*Only later I came to know the server is running from the /usr files
installed at first time. *
Instead of having 2 installations I thought of removing the one installed
inside /usr and deleted all files manually and carefully from all sub
folders of /usr.

*Now when I run the server from /usr/local/apache2 using "* *sudo apachectl
-k start " *it says *sudo: apachectl: command not found*

So I supplied full path using *" sudo /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k
start "*

But its giving " *httpd: Could not open configuration file
/usr/conf/httpd.conf: No such file or directory ".*

Thank you.

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