Hello list,


I am having some issues with a new wiki installation. Although I am
experienced with Python, I am new to server administration and Apache.


I have:

Windows server 2012 R2 standard

Apache/2.4.12 (win32)

Python 2.7.6 (win32)

MoinMoin 1.9.8 wikisoftware

Apache calls moin through cgi.


I am in a corporate environment, which restricts my possibilities. The
(virtual) server with Moin running has no other tasks, and I have admin
rights. The initial installation was done by one of our server admins and
seems to follow the wiki recommendations. The users all access the wiki
through thin clients and other servers. IE 10 is mandatory and for some
reason it is configured for IE 7 compatibility mode.


The issue is that wiki pages get truncated. The standard footer messages
(like about valid HTML) disappear or show a half HTML expression.


I have inspected Moin's outgoing data and I noticed that the outgoing
message uses CRLF in the header section but only LF in the content section.
Content-length is set correctly. The amount of truncated characters is quite
close to the amount of lines in the content section. If I access the server
from localhost through python, apparently somewhere in the process LF in the
payload was replaced by CRLF - and then content-length is too short.


I have noticed two other problems which may or may not be related:

1.      A number of POST commands do not work, like the action for renaming
a page. They return '400 Bad request'.

2.      Many images do not display as intended.


It would be nice if someone recognizes the problem and would know the
solution. I found a few stories/posts which may hint to the same issue, but
no real solutions. 


To dig deeper into the problem I would also like your advice on how to


Thanks in advance,







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