
About the following documentation I understand that I can set a 
"SessionCryptoPassphrase" for protect my session with a cookie. And if I change 
my SessionCryptoPassphrase from "my_secret_phrase" to "my_NEW_secret_phrase" 
and restart my server, the client browser should lost his session.


May be I forget something, because when I change the SessionCryptoPassphrase to 
everything, I never lost the session.

Any help ?

<Location />
        SetHandler form-login-handler
        Session On
        SessionCookieName MY_Cookie 
        SessionCryptoPassphrase my_secret_phrase

Change to and restart

<Location />
        SetHandler form-login-handler
        Session On
        SessionCookieName  MY_Cookie  
        SessionCryptoPassphrase my_NEW_secret_phrase


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