LogLevel warn proxy:trace3 for 2.4.x
Loglevel debug for 2.2.x

I would also make sure the proxypass directives are in the correct
virtualhost, in case the requests are reaching another virtualhost
different than the one where you defined the proxypass directives. Defining
specific log files for different virtualhosts helps checking this.

Without any more info, it's just guesswork.

2015-06-29 17:53 GMT+02:00 K R <kp0...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I am trying to use a proxypass and proxypass directive  but it seems to be
> not working .
> How can I trace it . appreciate any pointers
> Thanks in advance
> Kart

*Daniel Ferradal*
IT Specialist

email         dferradal at gmail.com
linkedin     es.linkedin.com/in/danielferradal

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