Thank you so much Philip, another question.

I see MaxClients in 2 files:
extra\httpd-mpm.conf and
I assume I should change the one in extra directory or?

Also, I see in both of these files, 3 areas: "prefork MPM" (set to 150),
"worker MPM" (set to 150), and "BeOS MPM" (set to 50).
I assume I use the "worker MPM" or?  And what should I set it to

In regards to ServerLimit, I see it in none of Apache 2.2 config files.
Where do I find this?
Much appreciated

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 5:14 AM, Philip Wigg <> wrote:

> Hi,
> There is a limit on the number of concurrent connections that Apache will
> serve.
> See if you can find the 'LogLevel' directive in your configuration and
> then set it to 'info'. Apache will then print warnings in your error
> log if you're reaching those limits.
> You can also use the /server-status page to check this:-
> or for a rough point-in-time estimate you can simply use 'netstat' to
> see how many established connections you have to your HTTP port
> (probably port 80).
> The command:-
> netstat -tan | grep ':80' | grep EST | wc -l
> is quite possibly what you need depending on your OS and Apache
> version which will count the established connections to port 80 on
> Linux.
> If you do need to increase the number of concurrent connections, you
> will probably need to raise MaxClients and ServerLimit.
> See -
> Hope that helps.
> Phil.
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Dino Buljubasic
Cell: (604) 441-3560

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