  No, the reason is that site2 holds a cardav server, that is accessed by
other of the sites on the same host. The idea behind this is that I can
save all the time spent in encryption (the SSL layer) if I know that both
sites are local.

  I am testing this configuration from a client on the VPN (
  Thank you!

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 5:57 AM, Marat Khalili <m...@rqc.ru> wrote:

> Hello,
> is only configured for site2 -- is it a bug or a feature? Are
> you testing it from the same host, or via proxy on the same host?
> --
> With Best Regards,
> Marat Khalili
> On September 28, 2015 10:06:04 PM GMT+03:00, Felix Rubio <
> chro...@kngnt.org> wrote:
>> Hi everybody :-)
>> I have an Apache server (2.4) running on a Debian testing. Because I need
>> to access some sites from Internet (iface and without
>> SSL), some others through a VPN (iface and some others are purely
>> local to the server (iface, I have created the following setup:
>> ports.conf:
>> Listen *:80
>> Listen *:443
>> site external and internal (same .conf):
>> <VirtualHost> --> SSL-enabled
>> ServerName site0.example.org
>> ....
>> </VirtualHost>
>> <VirtualHost> --> Not SSL-enabled
>> ServerName site0.example.org
>> ....
>> </VirtualHost>
>> site only internal (same .conf):
>> <VirtualHost> --> Not SSL-enabled
>> ServerName site1.example.org
>> ....
>> </VirtualHost>
>> site internal, external, and local (same .conf):
>> <VirtualHost> --> Not SSL-enabled
>> ServerName site2.example.org
>> ....
>> </VirtualHost>
>> <VirtualHost> --> SSL-enabled
>> ServerName site2.example.org
>> ....
>> </VirtualHost>
>> The problem is: when I try to access the with any browser site1, I get in
>> the address bar of the browser the URL from site0, and what is loaded is
>> site2 (¿¿??). I have been searching for a solution for some days but I can
>> not find my way through. Am I doing something dramatically wrong? Any help
>> will be appreciated. Thanks!
>> Felix

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