
I happen to find 'siege' a pretty easy to use http load tester.

on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install siege

you can run 1 or many different urls using one or many concurrent users and
you can set random real world intervals or benchmark (0 sec intervals).
URLs can be loaded from a file or be given on the command line.

The tests run from command line.

Happy loadtesting!


2015-10-16 23:06 GMT+02:00 Rose, John B <jbr...@utk.edu>:

> Does anyone have personal experience, or have heard anything, about any of
> these load testing apps?
> Soasta Cloudtest
> http://www.soasta.com/cloudtest/
> HP Stormrunner (Cloud)
> http://www8.hp.com/us/en/software-solutions/stormrunner-load-agile-cloud-te
> sting/
> HP Loadrunner (Locally installed)
> http://www8.hp.com/us/en/software-solutions/loadrunner-load-testing/
> Flood I/O
> https://flood.io
> Blazemeter
> https://blazemeter.com
> Blazemeter Chrome extension
> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/blazemeter-the-load-testi/mbopgmd
> npcbohhpnfglgohlbhfongabi?hl=en
> Loadimpact
> https://loadimpact.com
> Nouvola
> http://www.nouvola.com
> Thanks

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